Prof. Ji-Ming Chen, Ph.D.
President of Hangzhou Dianzi University and a professor at Zhejiang University
Director of the Institute of Industrial Process Control and the Deputy Director of the State Key Laboratory of Industrial Control Technology
Title: AloT Technology for Power Sector: Design and Application
The power sector provides fundamental utility services such as water, electricity, gas, cooling, and heating to the industrial park, consuming nearly half of the park’s energy. Therefore, achieving low- carbon operation in the power sector holds significant significance for energy efficiency in the industrial park. In this presentation, we will delve into the current operational status of the power sector and share our experiences and case studies in achieving efficient energy management and low-carbon operation by exploiting AIoT.
Jiming Chen is a professor at Zhejiang University and the President of Hangzhou Dianzi University. He obtained his Bachelor and Doctoral degrees from Zhejiang University, both in Control Science and Engineering. From 2008 to 2010, he was a visiting scholar at the University of Waterloo, Canada. He is currently the deputy director of the State Key Laboratory of Industrial Control Technology and the director of the Institute of Industrial Process Control at Zhejiang University. He also served as the Vice President of Zhejiang University of Technology, deputy director of the Faculty of Information Technology at Zhejiang University, and a member of both Academic and Degree Committees of Zhejiang University. He has been a Professor at Zhejiang University since 2010 and selected for the Ministry of Education’s Changjiang Scholars Award Program in 2015. He is the Editor-in-Chief of IEEE Network and also serves/served associate editors for premier journals of ACM TECS, IEEE TPDS, IEEE Network, IEEE TCNS, IEEE TII and the General Co-Chairs for mulitple IEEE/ACM conference such as ACM Sensys 2024. He is the Distinguished Lecturer/Speaker of the IEEE Vehicular Technology Society, and the recipient of the IEEE ComSoc Asia/Pacific Outstanding Paper Award, the JSPS Invitation Fellowship, the RS Newton Advanced Fellowships, and multiple best paper awards. He is a Fellow of the Chinese Association of Automation and selected as a Distinguished Expert of Zhejiang Province in 2021. He is a fellow of IEEE. His research interests include industrial IoT, networked control, cyber security.

Prof. Hideko S. Kunii, Ph.D.
Visiting Professor, Shibaura Institute of Technology,
Director, INCJ, Ltd.
Title: Leveraging Cyberworld and AI Technologies for Gender Equality
Gender equality is one of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), but achieving this target by 2030 remains challenging for most countries. In Japan, technology sectors such as ICT and the automobile industry face a significant shortage of women in their workforce, a problem that cannot be resolved by individual companies alone. In 2013, the Japan Association of Technology Executives (JAOTE) issued a report advocating for affirmative actions to address this issue. However, progress has been slow. Given this situation, could the rapidly advancing technologies of the cyberworld and AI contribute more effectively to achieving gender equality, including increasing the number of female engineers? Currently, these technologies present both positive and negative aspects. The disadvantages are particularly notable due to biases in historical data and a lack of diversity among developers. However, there is potential to leverage these technologies to tackle social issues like gender equality. Proactive utilization of these technologies, while addressing new challenges, is desired. Which goals should we prioritize? What approaches can we take? This discussion will explore the potential of cyberworld and AI technologies in promoting gender equality from this perspective.
Prof. Hideko S. Kunii, Ph.D. is a Visiting Professor at Shibaura Institute of Technology and a director of INCJ, Ltd. She has served as the first female director at several major corporations including Honda Motor Co., Ltd., Tokyo Electric Power Holdings Inc. and Mitsubishi Chemical Holdings Corporation. She had a longstanding career at Ricoh Company, Ltd., Tokyo Japan, where she held various positions including Chairperson of Ricoh IT Solutions Co. Ltd. and Corporate Senior Vice President. During her tenure at the Shibaura Institute of Technology, she served as the Deputy President and General Manager of the Gender Equality Promotion Office, as well as a Professor at the Graduate School of Engineering Management.
She earned her Ph.D. in Computer Science from the University of Texas at Austin, and two MScs from San Jose State University and Ochanomizu University, respectively.
Prof. Kunii ‘s publication includes “Graph Data Model and Its Data Language,” published by Springer-Verlag in 1990.

Prof. Masahiko Inami, Ph.D.
Special Advisor to the President for The University of Tokyo,
Deputy Director / Professor for Advanced Science and Technology, The University of Tokyo
Title: JIZAI Body: beyond human limits
The social revolutions have accompanied innovation of the view of the body. If we regard the information revolution as establishment of a virtual society against the real society, it is necessary to design a new view of body “JIZAI body (Virtual Cyborg),” which can adapt freely to the change of social structure, and establish a new view of the body. In this talk, we discuss how we understand of basic knowledge about the body editing for construction of JIZAI body (Virtual Cyborg) based on VR, AR and Robotics. Superhuman Sports: Applying Human Augmentation to Physical Exercise.
Prof. Masahiko Inami took up his current position as professor at the University of Tokyo after working at the University of Electro-Communications and Keio University. His interests include “JIZAI body editing technology,” the Augmented Human, and entertainment engineering. He has received several awards, including TIME Magazine’s “Coolest Invention of the Year” award and the Young Scientist Award and Research Category Award from the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science, and Technology (MEXT). He is also a director of the Information Processing Society of Japan, a director of the Virtual Reality Society of Japan, and a member of the Science Council of Japan. His latest book is called “Theory of JIZAI Body” (Springer, 2023).